23 August 2006

familial frustration.

nine days. nine fucking days until i leave for philadelphia. eleven days until my parents are out of my hair. i've always had a rough relationship with my mother who i know spoils me monetarily and loves me very much, but we've never seen eye-to-eye on anything. the past two years i've been trying hard to develop some sort of working / functional relationship with her, and i've been relatively successful but her latest attempts are genuinely pissing me off. it feels like my happiness means nothing to her unless it makes her happy as well. take for example, the current situation of me dating a non-taiwanese guy. i mean, i promised her that she could introduce me to nice taiwanese boys (more to appease her than anything) and despite an already disastrous attempt, she wants to try again. this time in our own home. i hate this shit. she knows how uncomfortable i am around new people. i'm anti-social and i've told her this, and yet she insists on this no matter my pleading and explaining how uncomfortable these situations make me. of course, she thinks i act the way i do to piss her off and embarass her in front of her friends, but really - i genuinely do not do well in social situations involving unknowns. i don't approach and talk to people i don't know well. i don't start conversations with them. i don't even participate in conversations - i reply to questions in one word and wait for the next. call me rude, but that's just the way i am. i am so sick of this - if being a 'good daughter' just puts me in situations like this then i'm done, i'm through.

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