29 August 2007


for the first time, i am not pulling my hair out screaming to go back to school. i am actually kind of dreading it. don't get me wrong, i can't wait to be living in my own apartment again, to be in the same city as most of my nearest and dearest, to be able to stay out past midnight and be able to go out drinking because i don't have to drive everywhere.

however, there is a twinge of sadness that the summer is coming to a close, that a great internship has ended, that i have a physics exam the first day of classes, that i will again be stressed and sleeping an average of 4.5 hours a night, that i have to really start applying to jobs, that i have to figure out and complete my senior design project, that i won't have 15 hours a week of dance practice to keep me sane (though with how things went last semester, that may be a good thing). this will also be the first time theodore isn't around, seeing as how we met pretty early on my freshman year.

but! i'll make it through it, as always. and of course, i first spend a few days in chicago. (=

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