14 November 2007

a bit of housekeeping.

1. i no longer feel safe here in philadelphia. five police officers have been shot in the past three weeks (one fatally). and two days ago a student here was sexually assaulted - she woke up to find the guy on top of her in her apartment. this happened less than a block from campus. i'm a little unnerved by it. and i live about 5 blocks deeper into west philly than she does. i've started jumping every time i hear people outside my door.

2. the teacher for my writing seminar is so annoying. she is insane. doesn't make any sense. treats us like five-year-olds. comes up with these weird ideas.. and it's not just me that thinks this, the entire class rants about her before she arrives to class. every minute in that class drives me to the brink of insanity.

3. confessor, terry goodkind's 11th and concluding novel to the sword of truth series arrived in the mail today (i pre-ordered it awhile back), and i am soooo excited to read it.

4. i got a hand-written letter in the mail today from lucas who is studying abroad in japan for the year. there really is something Romantic (yes, with a capital R) about getting tangible mail from people (other than bills and junk mail).

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