29 August 2008

we are a nation of irrational idiots.

file organizer.

ah, yes. the democratic national convention. fancy speeches in a frenzied environment filled with stretched and twisted 'truths'. all i've heard lately is how great obama is, how great his speech was and how he's going to change this country. blah blah blah. i didn't see his speech, but i read it. read and actually thought about it rather than let the energy of the event and everyone's unnatural loving adoration affect my judgment. it was a great speech, very well written, and i'm sure, very well performed. however, some of the things he said just seemed a little too far-fetched, so i decided to go to factcheck.org and it verified my suspicions about his speech.

don't get me wrong, this is politics and both sides play the game this way. but i just wish people would take him off the damn pedestal he's on and realize that he's a politician just like all the rest.

1 comment:

m@ said...

haha. for some reason i thought your link said "fat check," instead. it does not. :)