03 February 2008

oh, snap!

ah, saturday saturday night. a night spent drinking and celebrating the night away over in northern liberties with my penndesign loves. the night started off at northbowl around 8p, proceeded to standard tap by midnight, and ended up at 700club some while later. i've become a total lightweight since i seriously cut back on my drinking after sophomore year, and i was definitely going to town last night. needless to say, things weren't so pleasant when i got home. i haven't gotten this drunk (or sick for that matter) since, well, sophomore year, and even though i didn't pass out until sometime around 3am, my insomnia decided that i would be wide awake by 7am! fan-f*cking-tastic. luckily no hangover as i was at least smart enough to down water and advil.. yea i'm definitely not doing that again anytime soon. then again, that was probably the most actual "fun" i've had on a night out in a very, very long time. but, i think i still prefer being a homebody.

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