30 May 2008

go watch kung fu panda!!

i drove out to claremont on thursday to lunch with my webb surrogates, bonnie and jeff. it was so good to see them again and catch up. ironically, now that i am moving back to LA after four years of college, they are moving out to the east coast, only an hour or two outside of philadelphia. it makes me sad, but it's a good career move for jeff so i'm happy for them. i also stopped by the fawcetts' house to say hello - it was all so eerie to be back on webb campus, four years later. this year's graduation was this past weekend though, so it was empty and i luckily didn't have to deal with highschoolers running around.

thursday night was dreamworks animation's crew screening for kung fu panda at the mann's chinese theatre in hollywood. the theatre is freakin' awesome, and the movie was even better. it absolutely blew my mind.. it was beautiful, hilarious and they really went to town with the animation. go watch it!! seriously - it is amazing and very much worth watching. multiple times!

the afterparty was across the street at the roosevelt and it was awesome. free food and drinks, and it was just such a cool place. i loved seeing (almost) everyone i worked with last summer and it has somehow managed to make me even more excited to start working in a week and a half. sadly, they kicked everyone out at midnight, but i managed to snag myself a voss bottle. (=

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