14 May 2010

vacay day 3 : the road to coatepec.

testing blogging from my phone..

we grabbed breakfast at the gran cafe again today - i'm in love with gordas with mole sauce. actually, i'm just straight up in love with the mole which is nothing like any mole i've ever had back in the states.

a charter bus picked us up at our hotel, then picked up a huge group of italians at the airport (if i haven't mentioned it before, labe, the groom, is italian) then had an amazing seafood lunch somewhere in veracruz.

after a 2+ hour bus ride through some pretty undeveloped parts of mexico, we arrived in coatepec and checked into the hotel provided. it's pretty awesome, and our room is loft-style. we roamed the city a bit, though it's really more of a small village. my feet were attacked by ants but i managed to get away with only 2 bites.

the 'rehearsal dinner' was served buffet style in the courtard of our hotel. it's such a random mish mash of italians and mexicans, and i'm the only one who doesn't know at least some spanish or italian. not that i mind as i've just occupied myself taking pictures.

it's been a lot of fun meeting so many international people. the wedding and reception tomorrow should be interesting in the very least.

-- jenn. (via palm pre)

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