25 October 2009

puppy food hike.

seared figs and jamon at the bazaar.

this morning we went for a hike out in runyon canyon with ben. it was a nice hike, and reminded us how much we enjoy it - perhaps we shall try working hiking into our exercise routine more often. afterwards we brunched at tart, where i had their sausage hash (roasted red potatoes with andouille sausage, chicken apple sausage, smoked alligator sausage, onions, peppers and topped with three eggs) - freaking good.

before heading back to santa monica, dan and i spotted a pet adoption and spent a good half hour meeting lots of nice puppies. i really wanted to bring home a five month old pit bull mix named spankey.. or this beautiful beautiful rotweiler named xena.. i'm a bit dog-obsessed right now, i just really wish work allowed dogs, because i would get one in a heartbeat then. guess i'll have to keep waiting..

for dinner we made a couple new york steaks, a spicy corn salad (corn, butter, garlic, lime, paprika, chili powder, cayenne, salt, pepper), a simple salad (romaine, tomatoes, avocado, homemade lemon dressing) and a bottle of zin.

and YAY the yankees win the american league penant.. now for them to smash the phillies..!!

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