11 October 2009

sweep getty ramen.

changing leaves at the getty center.

highlight of the weekend - dodgers sweep the cardinals in st. louis and clinch a spot in the national league championship series!! the next series starts on thursday against either the phillies or the rockies. ya ya, gooooo dodgers!

last night was the last saturday off the 405 at the getty center. we went, walked around taking pictures, checked out a few galleries (irving penn's small trades photo exhibit is really really amazing!), and then watched dent may - a very funky, cool little indie pop band from mississippi - perform. note about the picture above - PROOF that california doesn't have only evergreens and that leaves do change color and fall of the trees here, damnit! and we have seasons!! just not severe ones.

afterwards we dinnered at ramenya (tenshin-men for me, mabo ramen for dan), purchased pumpkins to paint on (images to come later), and rented year one - which was absolutely awful awful awful.

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