12 April 2008

a bit of nostalgia.

so back at webb, each senior gives a chapel talk, and they get to choose which hymn is sung, a few quotes to be read by a friend or two, and someone to introduce them before they speak. i asked jeff hengesbach, my AP physicsC teacher, whose family had become a second family to me during my time there. it's been pretty much exactly four years since my chapel talk (it was sometime in april of 2004) and having seen amyT last weekend and then having lunch with lily today, i was feeling a little reminiscent and started digging through my old documents from high school, which is when i stumbled upon his introduction. the following is just a small snippet, but it was, and still is, my favorite part because it definitely captured who i was at the time in a nutshell..

Jenn is expressive! Verbally, emotionally, artistically - in every way she is very expressive. Her expressiveness extends beyond the typical self-promotion, but is more often directed as an act of friendship and concern for others. She expresses herself in paintings, in dance, notes, waves, smiles, hugs - girl stuff, but even more. Jenn tends to pour her energies into a few deep and lasting friendships. Her friends appreciate her thoughtfulness, speak highly of her devotion and marvel at her energy.

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