10 April 2008

day one, year four.

ah, today the temperature is finally up (72!!) and the sun is finally out. first nice day of the year, and thank fucking goodness. of course, with this beautiful weather, all the paste-y penn kids come out of hiding and congregate and lie on every non-walking surface you can imagine (lawns, rooftops, benches, walltops, the button, etc - some even bring couches out doors). shorts and flowy skirts abound and everyone walks a little happier, a little more relaxed and no one gets any work done. it's beautiful. i'm just happy to be wearing my 'bows again. (=

and it's thursday! and you know what weekend it is? SPRING FLING. my final fling, and yet i really don't plan on attending or participating in any of the usual debauchery. penndesign's beaux arts ball is friday night, so that precludes my attendance at the spec concert (which is actually good this year! : ludacris, gym class heroes and ok go!! wtf..) and i already have lunch and coffee dates (with lily and alyssa, respectively) lined up off campus for saturday afternoon. oh well..

and, i really need to find a weekend to go up to new york before i leave the east coast. went to washingtonDC last weekend, and will be going to boston in a couple weekends (for mum and natalie's birthdays), so i was thinking of rounding it out with one last NY trip as well. was going to go this weekend for bradR's birthday, but the kid's come down with mono and i am not risking getting sick this close to graduation, especially when i still have so much work to do and so many finals to take.

and now that it's finally starting to feel like summertime, i'm super pumped up for my move back to LA. and there are more ppl than i expected going to LA, for either the summer or permanent relocation.. so, it's going to be a summer of dance classes, dodger games, good food, good company, and overall good times. can't freakin' wait.

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